Applications for the Regional Unsheltered Homelessness Emergency Response (EO23-02) are now being accepted for Jackson County. On January 10, 2023, Governor Tina Kotek issued Executive Order 23-02 (the “EO”), which declared a state of emergency due to homelessness. The EO is necessary to provide funding to rapidly expand the State’s low-barrier shelter capacity, to rehouse people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, and to prevent homelessness to the greatest extent possible. The EO took immediate effect and remains in effect until January 10, 2024, unless extended or terminated earlier by the Governor. This RFA is specifically addressing the additional shelter bed capacity and the rehousing unsheltered homelessness efforts.
Resources will be delivered to the Jackson County Continuum of Care and the distribution of funds will be overseen by Jackson County’s Multi Agency Coordination (MAC) group. According to the Jackson County Point-in-Time count, the CoC experienced a 132% increase in the number of homeless individuals from 2017 to 2022. This program will help address the increase and the CoC and the MAC will oversee distribution of funds.
As outlined in the EO, the goal for Jackson County is to combat homelessness by rehousing 133 unsheltered households and creating 67 new shelter beds. Any applications submitted will be reviewed by an independent group, including members of the CoC.
Read the RFA in full here.
Find the application here.