Medical Equipment
We Loan Equipment to Rogue Valley Residents
At ACCESS, we loan medical equipment at no cost to residents who have short-term needs. There is no eligibility requirement, and we only ask those in need to fill out a liability waiver and return the equipment in working order.
Beds & More
What Items Can Be Loaned?
Depending on donations to the Medical Equipment Assistance program, we may have the following items available:
- Adult diapers (unopened)
- Bath seats
- Bath rails
- Bathtub transfer benches
- Bed rails (pair)
- Bedside tables
- Blanket supports
- Blood pressure monitors
- Canes (metal, wood, or quads)
- Commodes
- Crutches
- Feather-light reachers
- Hi-Johns (a.k.a. toilet risers)
- Hospital beds
- Hoyer lifts
- IV stands
- Mattresses (hospital grade only)
- Shower chairs
- Stationary bikes
- Toilet safety frames
- Transfer boards
- Trapeze bars
- Walkers (including rigid, hemi, 2-wheel and 4-wheel w/bench seats)
- Wheelchairs (manual & electric)
How Does it Work?
Equipment is available on a “first-come, first served” basis, though a phone call during our hours of operation is the same as coming in person. We are happy to hold an item for 48 hours, as long as we have the item in stock. We do not have waiting lists for items we do not have in stock.
How to Find Us
By Appointment Only
3661 Lear Way
Medford, Oregon 97504
Get Directions
The Medical Equipment department is located at the far end of the building at 3661 Lear Way (on the same block as the main ACCESS building on Aviation Way). We have a big banner on the outside of our building to the left of our entrance.
Donate Medical Equipment
Do you have items to donate? The Medical Equipment Assistance program is made possible by supporters like you! We accept donations of clean, sanitized, and durable medical equipment in good working condition.
Please note, we cannot accept items that are principally fabric or foam, such as lift chairs, knee or back braces, or orthopedic boots. Airborne equipment such as CPAPs and nebulizers are also not good candidates for our loan program.
Please see the list above for qualifying equipment, or call (541) 690-3972.
About July of this year, there was a married couple of I guess traditional senior citizen age and I recognize them and the reason I recognize them is they used to come in pretty regularly, pre-COVID, to donate equipment like once a month and sometimes a lot of equipment. And they would acquire that equipment by going around to like yard sales and garage sales and like auction houses and at one point they asked me “uh did we ever tell you why we did that and plan to again after this surgery?” and I was like no I remember you telling me where you got the equipment, but I never heard that there was a reason behind it. And so at that point, they informed me that their son years ago had been diagnosed with cancer and at that time they didn’t have the means to acquire equipment and so they got pieces through us including a hospital bed and then after he passed they made a promise to themselves to give back in the way that they did by getting equipment. So I mean working in this business, I’ve been here a few years and just by the nature of the business I hear a lot of pretty touching stories but that was the one that kind of hit me the most.