Welcome to ACCESS
We provide food, warmth, and shelter to promote stability for vulnerable populations.

How We Help Our Community
We provide vital services and resources to families, individuals, children, seniors, Veterans, and people with disabilities so they can live healthy, stable lives.

Food Pantries
Our food pantry network provides a variety of fresh and shelf-stable groceries.
Learn More

Energy Assistance
Weatherization and utility bill assistance to help lower heating and cooling costs.
Learn More

Housing & Shelter
Affordable housing, rental assistance, and home ownership assistance.
Learn More
Do You Need Services?
ACCESS has a wide variety of short and long-term solutions to help you.
Are you a fire survivor and do you need help? Visit our Center for Community Resilience page

Did You Know? Every Year…
ACCESS serves tens of thousands of people in Jackson County.

Through partnerships and service, ACCESS provides food, warmth, and shelter to promote stability for vulnerable populations.

Thank You for Caring About Our Community!
Since 1976, we have been serving our Jackson County neighbors – with your generous support.

“We are so very grateful for ACCESS’s help with our rent, and to the generous donor that helped our family get new furniture [after the Almeda fire].”
– Jesus, ACCESS services recipient

Upcoming Events
ACCESS Senior Fair
The ACCESS Senior Fair is an annual event dedicated to connecting community members with essential resources tailored to seniors.
New Location at Rogue X!
Tuesday, April 8th, 2025 | 9:00am – 4:00pm

What’s Happening with ACCESS
Community Classes, Announcements, Updates, and Stories
The Impact of ACCESS
With the support of thousands of volunteers and donors, ACCESS provides a variety of services to tens of thousands of Jackson County residents every year!
Together, we are making a difference. Check out our video about the power of community — and how you and ACCESS help those in need.

“While taking a walk last week, I saw one of your [food] trucks going by. It reminded me of the good work you’re doing in the community. I am grateful to support your work.”
– ACCESS Donor

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