Rental Assistance

Get Help with Rent and Utilities
ACCESS may be able to help if you need rental or utility assistance. Get connected with local programs and state resources to help keep your housing.

Rental Programs
ACCESS Rental Program, funded by Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), is accepting applications for rental assistance and case management services as well as providing eviction prevention services for households that qualify. Funding for rental assistance is limited at this time.
Households must meet:
- Income eligibility of not more than 80% Area-Median Income (AMI)
Contact the ACCESS Rent Relief team to determine eligibility and apply for assistance. Call (541) 414-0317 or message us below.

Rent Well Tenant Education
The Rent Well Tenant Education Program provides renters and renter-to-be with information about understanding your lease, managing your credit, landlord communication and more. Presented by ACCESS, community partners and local landlords, this state curriculum comes in 6-course sessions. Upon completion, attendees will receive a certificate from Oregon Housing Community Services (OHCS) that can be presented to a landlord or property manager. Reimbursement for this class may be available.
To be eligible to participate, tenants must be low-income and experience barriers to obtaining housing, including but not limited to: poor credit history, lack of rental history, criminal history, a history of housing eviction(s), having been a ward of the state, and homeless or unstably housed. Call (541) 779-6691 for more information, or see the upcoming class schedule.

Are you a Veteran?
Visit our Veterans Rental Assistance page for information about programs that support Veterans in finding and maintaining stable housing.

Are you a fire-impacted household?
Learn about our Center for Community Resilience, which is helping wildfire survivors secure quality, affordable, and long-term housing.

Want to learn more about Fair Housing?
Learn about how the Fair Housing Council of Oregon promotes justice, equity and inclusion in housing across Oregon.

Get More Information and Apply
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