Fire Survivor Services

Get Support Through the Center for Community Resilience
We help transition fire survivors from living in hotels and other short-term housing to stable, suitable housing options. The Center for Community Resilience (CCR) was created in August 2021 along with our partners, including case managers from the State of Oregon and other local agencies, to assist those who were impacted by the 2020 Jackson County wildfires. Help is available for finding a place to call home.
Housing support services are available NOW. Fire-impacted households should call (541) 414-0318 for assistance or email us (se habla Español).
The Center for Community Resilience is funded in part by a grant from the Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services.
ReOregon Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP) is now OPEN!

In response to the 2020 Labor Day wildfires and straight-line winds, Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will be using federal funds from a Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) for new programs to help individuals, households, and communities continue to recover and provide new permanent housing in the areas most impacted by the fires.
To learn more about HARP visit re.oregon.gov
HARP applications for homeowners are now available. Fill out the Eligibility Questionnaire.
If you were a renter that lost your home during 2020 Labor Day Fires, please fill out this Renter Survey.
Book an appointment with an Intake Specialist today!
CCR information flier (pdf)
CCR Volante Informativo
(en Español) (pdf)

Housing Navigation Services
The CCR offers housing navigation and housing stabilization services including the following:
- Housing search
- Rental education
- Moving assistance
- Rental assistance
- Landlord incentives
- Utility assistance
- Essential home goods shopping
- Return to work assistance
- Budgeting
- Case management
- Repairs and install assistance
As part of case management, a housing stabilization plan will be developed for each individual household and services will be provided based on the plan.
- To be eligible to receive CCR rental and case management support, participants will need to keep documented proof of structural loss to their primary residence due to the Jackson County 2020 Labor Day Fires.
- Participants will also need to provide us with 60 days’ worth of income documentation and bank statements.
- CCR intake staff will work with the fire survivor to make sure they have the required information and documentation to determine program eligibility. These documents are used to apply for housing that meets the individual households’ needs and is affordable.
- Once the fire survivor is assigned to a case manager, they can expect their Housing Stabilization Case Manager to meet with them to develop their housing stabilization plan, set goals, and support them in reaching their goals. The case management experience will be progressive. Our goal is to give survivors the assistance they need to gain housing stability.
se habla Español
The CCR has bilingual housing counselors and support staff available so services can be provided in both English and Spanish.

If You’re in Need of Rental Assistance
Please contact our Support Team to learn about ways we can help you. Fire-impacted households should call (541) 414-0318 for assistance or email us (se habla Español).

Homeownership Services Provided by the CCR
Homeowner Assistance and
Reconstruction Program (HARP)
ReOregon has launched HARP to offer financial assistance to help homeowners repair, rebuild, or replace those homes. ACCESS will be assisting fire survivors with the application process.
HARP may be able to help with:
- Remaining repair costs
- Remaining costs to rebuild or replace your home
- Fixes to a replacement home
How to apply for HARP
You are able to apply for HARP assistance either online at re.oregon.gov or by working directly with the ACCESS Intake Center, who can assist you with the application process. You can set up an appointment here.
To apply, you will need the following information:
- Proof that you owned your home and lived there as your
primary residence - Proof of damage from the 2020 Labor Day disasters
- Proof of your current income
- Info on any insurance or other recovery funds you received
- Proof of identity (for example, photo ID)
se habla Español
The CCR has bilingual housing counselors and support staff available so services can be provided in both English and Spanish.
To see an inventory of homeownership housing projects click here.

Are you a landlord? You can help.
The CCR is in need of landlords and property managers to help fire-impacted households recover from the 2020 wildfire disasters by helping provide safe, long-term housing. Landlords partnering with the CCR are eligible for valuable incentives for housing wildfire-impacted families, including proven cost savings for you!
Landlord Benefits
Landlords are provided with valuable incentives that provide stability, and those recovering from disaster are able to find safe and reliable housing. Benefits include:
- Complimentary renter’s insurance
- “Rent Well” education classes for tenants
- Security deposit payments (up to 3x the monthly rent amount)
- Direct and timely rent payments
- Housing stability counseling and case management for tenants
- Landlord support from CCR staff
For more information, view the Landlord Brochure PDF, fill out the form below, call (541) 414-0318, or email us.

Landlords – Are You Interested in Helping?
Please join us in returning our Jackson County neighbors back home. For more information, view the Landlord Brochure PDF, fill out the form below, call (541) 414-0318, or email us.

Fire Survivor Success Stories
321 fire-impacted households have been helped with transitional housing assistance
755 fire-impacted households have been helped with rental assistance
65 fire-impacted households have purchased homes
112 fire-impacted households are actively working with a homeownership counselor
As of October 6, 2023
How You Can Help

Donate Time or Money
Donations of money help ACCESS address specific needs of fire-impact households, and volunteering time is always welcomed!

Spread the Word
Mention to friends, family, and colleagues who own property in our area about incentives available for housing fire-impacted families.
Program Partners