The Jackson County Continuum of Care (CoC) announces the local competition for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding as outlined in HUD’s FY 2023 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Any agency or organization within Jackson County may apply for funding. However, the proposed project must address the FY 2023 CoC program goals of ending homelessness either through quickly re-housing homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; promoting access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; or optimizing self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. Please visit:
https://www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/SPM/documents/FR-6700-N-25_NOFO.pdf for details.
All organizations submitting a project for this competition, whether it is a first-time submittal or a renewal, must complete pre-application materials and submit them to the Jackson County Continuum of Care by 5 pm on August 21, 2023. Pre-application materials will become available on August 8, 2023. Please contact Jackie Agee, Grant Administrator at ACCESS, to receive these materials (jackieagee@accesshelps.org). ACCESS, as the lead agency for the CoC, is coordinating the pre-application process.
A Ranking and Rating Subcommittee, formed with members from the CoC who have not applied during this NOFO cycle, will rate, and rank the projects to be submitted to HUD.
Application Timeline:
August 21, 2023: Pre-Applications due to Jackie Agee by 5:00 pm
No later than 9/7/23: Rating and Ranking committee deadline to complete and select projects for NOFO 2023
No later than 9/8/23: Projects which are selected to be included in the Collaborative Application will be notified and instructed to complete the application in HUD’s E-snaps System.
September 19, 2023: Completion of E-snaps Project Applications deadline. Additionally, all applicants must submit a PDF of their E-snaps application to Jackie Agee (jackieagee@accesshelps.org) for review by this date.
September 22, 2023: All Collaborative application materials must be uploaded in HUD’s E-snaps System. This is 6 days before the actual submittal date of 9/28/23. We set an earlier date to be able to handle any technical issues we might have with E-Snaps.